OTOW Men’s Softball Club

Board of Directors

Board Minutes

Date:  October 02, 2023

Location:  Jed Blairs residence  

Meeting called to order at 3pm

Board Members present:

Tom Laccone, Brad Youngberg, Jed Blair, Steve Tate, Steve Perl

New Business/Purpose:

As a result of the Clubs annual election, the above members were duly elected and seated as the 2023-2024 Board of Directors.  After discussion, the following Officer positions were assigned:

President Tom Laccone

Vice President Jed Blair

Secretary Brad Youngberg

Treasurer Steve Tate

Member at Large Steve Perl

A discussion was held as to when to hold the first formal business meeting and location.  All agreed on October 19th at the event room of the hobby building in the afternoon depending on availability, time TBD.

President Laccone stated that he would work on an agenda after receiving suggestions from all members.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30pm

Brad Youngberg/Secretary