Board of Directors

December 20, 2023


Location: Lodge at Candler Hills

Board members present: Laccone, Youngberg, Tate

Meeting called to order by President Laccone at 1pm

President Laccone advised the Board that after discussion with Vice  President Jed Blair, Blair resigned his position on the Board.

MOTION: Motion made by President Laccone to accept Blair’s resignation and remove him from the Board of Directors.  SECOND:  Tate  VOTE:  3-0  Approved

A discussion was held on Board replacements and decided by all that we will wait until the beginning of the New Year to solicit and appoint new Board members. Youngberg stated that according to our By-laws, the remaining members on the recent election ballot held in September 2023, with the next highest number of votes, should be appointed. (Bauer, Click, Tully) After looking at the list, the remaining candidates were no longer eligible because they failed to rejoin our club as of January 1, 2024, and are no longer members.  The Board is therefore free to choose any member to fill Board vacancies.  

A discussion about our local rules which were re-written and simplified.  Once finished, the rules will be sent to the membership for approval.  

Laccone stated that Dave Clune from the newly formed Rec Softball Club has made a request to use some of our equipment.  

MOTION: Motion made by President Laccone to let the Rec Club use our equipment including the chalker, but not our tractor.  SECOND: Youngberg  VOTE: 3-0 Approved

Youngberg stated that he advised Andy Jorganson and Brant of OTOW maintenance on October 11th, of our upcoming break between the seasons so they perform any needed maintenance on the field including addressing the lip and hump between the shortstop and third base line.  Confirmation was received that that particular issue would be taken care off during the break period.

Membership database and contact list– Youngberg stated that the membership database and contact list will be purged/updated of all non-members effective January 01, 2024

Meeting Adjourned at 2:30pm