OTOW Softball Club
Board of Directors
Board Minutes
Date: November 06, 2023
Location: Softball Pavilion
Board Members Present:
Tom Laccone, Brad Youngberg, Jed Blair, Steve Tate
Meeting called to order at 2:30 pm
New Business/Purpose: Board Member Perl
Meeting called to order by President Laccone to discuss Board Member Steve Perl and his conduct as it relates to his responsibility as a OTOW Softball Board Member.
Motion by Steve Tate to remove Steve Perl from the Board
Second by Jed Blair
Discussion: A discussion was held concerning Perl and his responsibility to our club and the duty to represent all club members. President Laccone stated that he received a call from OTOW Manager Prince stating that Perl had turned in an application to create a new softball club and listed himself as a Board Member, Secretary/Treasurer. Perl is actively attempting to recruit National Division members, along with Dave Clune, to join their newly created club and also held a meeting to provide information to prospective members. Jed Blair stated that Perl was elected by the membership to represent all club members of the OTOW Softball Club which he clearly hasn’t been doing. Becoming a board member of another stand alone club and having to share the same amenity creates a serious conflict of interest and should be removed as a board member.. Laccone advised Perl of this concern and requested his resignation from the Board which Perl understood but hasn’t submitted his resignation at this point. All Board members agreed this action would be in the best interest of our club and its members.
Vote to remove Perl from the OTOW Softball Club Board: Approved 3-0
No other business to discuss
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm